Articles | July 25, 2024

A DEI Scorecard for Investment Managers

Asset managers’ progress on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is an area of increasing focus and evaluation by asset owners. Despite the growing interest, comparative data has been lacking — until now.

To address the need, Segal Marco Advisors has developed a DEI Scorecard. This article describes the DEI Scorecard, which we’ve been using for two years, and presents the results as well as trends measured to date.

A DEI Scorecard for Investment Managers

The DEI Scorecard

Segal Marco Advisors’ Committee of Diversity Investing (CDI), comprised of eight representatives from manager research and investment consulting, worked with manager research leadership to develop and implement the DEI Scorecard.

The DEI Scorecard, which is rooted in a survey of investment managers, introduces a scoring mechanism to Segal Marco’s existing manager research framework. It awards “points” to an investment manager based on responses to a related Scorecard Survey, issued once a year. There are three central objectives of the DEI Scorecard:

  • Establish a baseline tiered scoring system across strategies rated “Recommended” or “Approved.”
  • Use the baseline scoring to conduct relative peer analysis of investment managers that are presently rated and under consideration for potential future client investments.
  • Conduct consistent tracking and monitoring of yearly changes by investment managers.

This last objective is critical in the long run to compare aspirations to reality. Ultimately, the identifiable “score” for each asset manager allows manager research analysts to engage further regarding investment managers’ approaches to DEI, explore best practices and define objectives. Scores for asset managers are not used to rank or select managers.

The final step in the DEI Scorecard methodology is to bring together all individual scores of asset managers side-by-side in a tiering methodology, which places asset managers in one of three tiers relative to their peers within the asset class.

The DEI Scorecard has enhanced the DEI aspect of Segal Marco’s manager due-diligence process.

Summary of results

At launch in 2022, the DEI Scorecard methodology and related Scorecard Survey was intentionally limited to only the equity and fixed income investment managers rated Recommended for client investments. In total, 170 investment managers were surveyed, and 154 responses were collected, equating to a 90.5 percent response rate.

In 2023, the DEI Scorecard methodology and related Scorecard Survey was expanded to also include alternatives investment managers rated Recommended for client investments. Importantly, alternatives spans both liquid and illiquid opportunities. In total, 352 investment managers were surveyed, and 182 responses were collected, translating to a 51.7 percent response rate. Most non-responders were investment managers with alternatives strategies, and situations where the investment manager considered the requested information as protected.

The tables and graphs that follow present the results.

DEI Scorecard Average Scores for Equity and Fixed Income Managers Improved from 2022 to 2023

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 1

* Not surveyed this year

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024

The Percentage of Managers Reporting a Majority of their Workforce Is Diverse* Was Slightly Lower in 2023

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 2

* Includes members of the following groups: ethnically diverse/non-White, female or nonbinary, people with disabilities, veterans and/or people identifying as LGBTQIA+.

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024


Relatively Few Managers Are Certified as a Minority-and-Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE)

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 3

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024

A Number of Firms Reported Having Over 50 Percent Ethnically Diverse or Female Ownership

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 4

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024


The Percentage of Firms Having a Diverse Chief Executive Officer Increased Between 2022 and 2023

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 5

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024

In Both Years, Participating Firms Reported Diverse Hires Outpaced Diverse Departures in the Trailing Three Years

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 6

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024

Most Firms Have at Least One Diverse Team Member, But the Percentage Declined Between 2022 and 2023

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 7

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024

The Percentage of Managers’ Team Members Who Are Diverse Also Declined

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 8

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024

A Majority of Firms Have a Formal DEI Policy

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 9

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024

Similarly, a Majority of Firms Assess Social Issues Pertaining to DEI as Material in Assessing Risk and Return

DEI Scorecard For Investment Managers Fig 10

Source: Segal Marco Advisors, 2024

Note that declines between 2022 and 2023 are attributable to the larger number of managers surveyed.

What’s ahead?

The CDI is preparing the 2024 DEI Scorecard Survey. It is working with managers to develop a method of response in addition to an online survey that increases the response rate for managers that prefer not to provide responses via that format and allows for ease of information sharing. The CDI plans to have finalized responses by the end of the third quarter.

By the end of the year, Segal Marco intends to release a more detailed analysis of responses collected since inception of the DEI Scorecard methodology, evaluating trends across asset class peer groups.

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The information and opinions herein provided by third parties have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. This article and the data and analysis herein is intended for general education only and not as investment advice. It is not intended for use as a basis for investment decisions, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the needs of any particular investor. On all matters involving legal interpretations and regulatory issues, investors should consult legal counsel.

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